Try topwater first thing in the morning and at dusk for tarpon, snook, redfish and big jacks. Fish around the bars at low tide and the grass edges at high tide. When the topwater bite shuts down try soft plastics or live mullet or shrimp under a popping cork. Flounder bite should be good in the creeks and flats. I like to fish the last 2 hours of outgoing and the first 2 hours of incoming in my favorite creek holes, using a ¼ oz jig head with my favorite paddle tail or live mud minnow or live mullet.
Surf & Inlet
The tarpon, king fish and occasional cobia will start showing up this month and sometimes come close enough that the surf and pier anglers have a chance at them. A good time for this is when the bait pods are close to the beach. Try floating a live mullet or porgie with a balloon for these hard fighting fish. Whiting, flounder and occasional black drum are still being caught. For these species, fish the trough with shrimp, sandfleas or fiddler crabs.
May should be a good month for dolphin. Look for weed lines, diving birds and flying fish. Fish 180 feet in up for these fish with your favorite trolling lure or a rigged ballyhoo. Fish live bottom and ledges for grouper, use a fish finder rig with a pin fish or sardine.
Be safe out there!
Three Lagoon Fishing Charters
Captain Tim Jarvis